Contact us
During office hours: 8.00am to 5.00pm
For administrative matters, treatment dates, or general enquiries please contact:
Rebekah Glover or Julie Totman Brachytherapy Co-ordinators
Telephone: 01483 402770
Fax: 01483 406626
E-mail: Rebekah
E-mail: Julie
Enquiries relating to patient care or problems after brachytherapy, contact:
Donna Higgins, Claire Deering Senior Brachytherapy Nurse Specialists or Suzanne Langley
Telephone: 01483 571122 Ext: 2058
Fax: 01483 408308
Pager: 01483 571122 Bleep 6511
E-mail: Donna Claire
Clinic & general administrative matters please contact the following medical secretaries:
NHS Patients:
Telephone: 01483 402770
Fax: 01483 406626
E-mail: NHS Secretary
Addresses and Maps
The Prostate Brachytherapty Center
Stirling Road, Guildford,
Surrey, GU2 7RF
Click here to see and print map
Telephone: 0845 50 50 560
For overseas enquiries
Telephone: +44 (0)845 50 50 560
NHS Clinics
The Royal Surrey County Hospital
Egerton Road,
Guildford, GU2 7XX
Click here to see and print map
Telephone: 01483 571122
St. Luke's Cancer Center,
Egerton Road,
Guildford, GU2 5XX
Click here to see and print map
Telephone: 01483 571122 ext 6761
Private Clinics
The Guildford Nuffield Hospital
Stirling Road, Guildford,
Surrey, GU2 7RF
Click here to see and print map
Telephone: 01483 555800
The London Clinic,
20 Devonshire Place,
London, W1G 6BW
Click here to see and print map
Telephone: +44 (0)207 935 4444