Tailoring Technology to Treatment

Paddy Kelly, 52, Nottingham

Paddy Kelly is an airline pilot with a leading airline. He had never even heard of the prostate until a routine medical check and blood test by his GP in December 2005 revealed high PSA (prostate specific antigen) levels. Paddy's PSA was 27 ng/mL. The normal range is between 0–4 ng/mL. A high PSA level such as this is often caused by prostate cancer.

Paddy was referred to a urologist in Ireland who took eight biopsies (samples of tissue from the prostate). "Not a pleasant procedure", Paddy remembers. The results, however, came back clear and Paddy was put on a "wait and see" policy even though he had other urinary symptoms. Not reassured by this diagnosis Paddy requested a second opinion in the UK and, in February 2006, 14 more biopsies were taken, this time under general anaesthetic. Once again they came back clear, but his PSA score was still too high. Paddy also had a bone scan, which came back negative. His doctor gave him a course of antibiotics in case it was just a urinary infection.

Luckily, Paddy came across the St Luke’s Cancer Centre in Guildford run by Professor Stephen Langley, a urologist specialising in prostate cancer. “I read that Stephen performed a different type of biopsy which was more accurate and so I made an appointment to see him.